Separate the chosen portion of hair into three sections. Braid the first time, starting from the section closest to the forehead for the braids glued to the side. Continue braiding adding new hair to each section before bringing it to the center. Make sure to tighten the braiding. Continue like this until the tip of the hair for a braid glued back. For the braids stuck on the side, continue to the ear, then braid normally, without adding hair. Attach your bonded braid using an elastic band.
Optionally loosen the braiding for a more hazy look by slightly pulling on the different sections of hair. Many variations of the bonded braid are possible: you can choose to make this bonded braid on one side, using a single portion of hair, or backwards by taking the entire hair. For a sporty chic look, you will opt for two braids glued back with all of your hair. More romantic option: the bonded braid made on the front, with or without wick. Ideally start behind the ear. Swim in a way to take the fringe or the lock and continue a little like a crown.
How to hold a bonded braid buy full lace wigs uk? The hardest part may not be making a bonded braid, but making it last all day! The hair must not be too clean to avoid slipping too much. We will therefore wait until the hair is a little dirty but not too greasy to make a bonded mat. You can also use a styling powder at the root, such as Techni.Art by L'Oréal Professionnel, to properly texturize the hair and coat the hair without it slipping.